wow. i didn't realize how insanely packed a semester could be even without marching band. tonight was made for catch up. i went to the gym, did my workout thing, and now i'm going to get ungross and hit the books. school is going well, there's just a lot of it.
my friend brittani and i are trying to get our senior recital squared away. we know that we're going to have it outside of the music building we just don't know where yet. options right now are the spencer museum of art on campus or signs of life coffee shop downtown (which would be a lot of fun, but we probably wouldn't have room for as many that's in the works...
i'm getting in more practice time little by little...i've discovered that if i have a half hour to kill that i can just work through a piece of music. last semester of this...then i can play flute for fun (what an uncanny concept!)
besides school and work there is el social life. it is good. i am happy. i'm enjoying spending time with my friends and doing the college thing. it's amazing what we learn over time about how important friends are. these friends have stuck by my side through thick and thin even when i put them on the back burner, which, if you're reading this, i am SO sorry. i was a total ass for awhile, but i thank God that you all stayed with me.
probably the best part of my weekend was getting to see my best friend Karen. she totally rocks. we went to the football game, el mezcal for late night mexican food, and even made a completely traditional and most unnecessary target run in which we, for sake of tradition, bought things that we didn't need. "retail therapy" she calls it. even though we're far apart seeing her this weekend made me see that we haven't missed a beat. i'm hoping to go up to D.C. and see her over fall break.
and last but not least in my world is the guy i'm seeing. he makes me smile and is an all around happy person, which is good because i have recently become a generally happy person. best of all he gets along great with my friends and mom likes him too (which she should considering she's the one who set me up with him). i'm enjoying this.
i'm enjoying life. and as i write this, i realize that after all the bitching i do about classes and work and never having any time to do all the things i want to do, i have it pretty darn good. i am happy, healthy, have wonderful friends and family who love and care about me, a bedroom that is peaceful and a nice place to rest, and, of course, a damn flute, which i love, but will love more when i'm not being forced to play for professors.
that is where i am right now. here is a picture to match my blog entry, as that is the title of the blog after all...
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