my teachers. my teachers that have taught me information that is invaluable. i have been so blessed to have them in my life. they have been lights in my life. specifically my music teachers. they have taught me a gift that cannot be replaced by anything...they have taught me
music. everyday we hear music. we hear music on the radio in the car, in the footsteps of people passing on the sidewalk, in the singing of birds at early hours. it is the music teachers, the teachers of this wonderful gift that give us the fierce ability to appreciate all of this--to take out of life the little things, to take the music of life and place it into all aspects of the way we live.
thank you for teaching me music. i am forever grateful to have had these teachers, to have received such a gift. i cannot wait to teach music to others--to teach them all of music's everlasting emotions that power over the fragile human soul...that music that brings joy, sorrow, and healing. one of few things that brings people of all walks of life together.
"Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness."--Maya Angelou
music is my refuge and my life is a soundtrack.
may you find your peace in music. :)
Eric Whitacre conducting "Ghost Train" at the Lied Center
Very eloquently written
love mom
very beautiful!
i'm happy we got to go! it was amazing! he was amazing! it was just amazing!
think of all the lives you're going to be able to touch with your passion and your career. you're amazingly lucky! : )
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