Friday, September 21, 2007


as i was walking back across campus to my car after work yesterday i walked by the military building as some of the army rotc members came outside to lower the flag and put it away for the evening. three of them went in sequenced order to retrieve the flag while a fourth stayed behind and simply saluted at attention as "old glory" was lowered to the soldiers below. i thought to myself how pure and simple an act like this was and yet it was incredibly moving to watch. i pondered words in my head like patriotism, brotherhood, sisterhood, unity and thought to myself that the world would be a much better place if more pure and simple acts were recognized and appreciated.

it is said that the United States was founded on ideas such as brotherhood, unity, and togetherness and yet everyday we see and hear about individuals around the world and throughout the country who are reaching out without anyone reaching back. to think that the simple act of smiling at someone on the street could make their day just a little bit brighter or that helping a friend in need may make their lives a little bit easier. it is these little pure and simple acts that will make the world a better place--acts of reaching out to another individual, bringing them some peace of mind. life is much too short to live only for one's self when there are people, like soldiers, who die for their country and the people that they leave behind in that country. though we may not support the reason they are fighting it is important that we support them--say thank you to them for risking their lives for others. so i guess my point is this (and i got to it in a very roundabout way, i know) life is much too short to forget to let the people around you know that you care about them, that you appreciate them. in an instant it could be over.

so tell them--let them know. your family, friends, dog, cat, someone who makes a difference in your life--let them know that you appreciate them.

end of "being kind to others" diatribe. :) --(please excuse anything that may not make sense as i'm writing this while tired)... :)

colonial cemetery, savannah, ga --1750-1853 (closed against burials)

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